"ENOLIA ~ How I Found my Sovereign Voice with my Grandmother Elder is a wonderful tool for any seeker who is looking for guidance and positive role modeling toward designing a life imbued with intention, presence, personal empowerment and spiritual growth. This Book is brilliantly composed to not only share Enolia's inspiring journey of transformation and deep learning, but also to invite the reader into their own introspection and meaningful contemplation, with useful reflections and questions at the end of each chapter. Enolia shares invaluable wisdom and knowledge from a number of the world's sacred traditions, and she truly embodies and shares the Grandmother Spirit our planet needs in this moment."
My thoughts on Enolia Finding My Sovereign Voice with My Grandmother Elder: I would highly recommend the book to anyone seeking to understand themselves and their lives more fully, to anyone who looks for a deeper connection with the Spirit, the book can be a life changer. I found an enormous amount of wisdom in the book and I recognized myself on many lines, ways of thinking of Enolia and the process she went through, and the transformation of herself is familiar. The chapters of the book are relatively short, which makes it easy to follow and understand. There are many situations that shows us how and why we lost balance, and at the same time through the storytelling and Enolia's experience shows us how to regain the balance, the connection with ourselves, with nature, with Spirit. A brilliant book, I keep it close so when needed I can re-read parts of it. At the end of the book, you'll find the description of medicinal herbs, and essential oils recipes. Overall an amazing book, highly recommended
Book Launch
Enjoy this book panel discussion as readers share thier opinion on both "Enolia Finding My Sovereign Voice With My Grandmother Elder" and "Enolia Discover Your Sovereign Self"
Enolia: Finding My Sovereign Voice with my Grandmother Elder is an adventurous memoir/self-help hybrid that reveals the journey of Enolia, an African American, corporate climbing and technological superwoman from New York who achieved every accomplishment expected of her by her family, husband, children, and bosses. Success brought the material trappings of a fine life but it wasn’t enough. Enolia knew there was a greater depth and purpose to her existence than the stressful ritual of juggling work and home but she didn’t know how to discover it. Synchronicity seemed to guide her away from the security of her corporate world to more spiritual pursuits where her insatiable curiosity fueled the desire for a greater understanding of native ways and ethereal realms. She longed for a sense of tradition and sought to learn the sacred traditional uses of plants and herbs and how to abide in the harmony of Nature. Then destiny placed her at a cultural gathering of The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Enolia was specifically attracted to a wisdom keeper of the Ojibwa Nation, Grandmother Isabelle, who accepted the New Yorker with open arms. Thus education in indigenous customs and ancient wisdom propelled Enolia into a new phase of life; one in which she has become both student and teacher. With the permission of her native teachers to share their traditional knowledge Enolia travels the globe to share and learn. She has been invited to accompany the most revered wisdom keepers from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, New Zealand, and several countries in Africa. In each of her journeys, she participates in ethnological traditions and contributes unified wisdom, which brings fulfillment to her life. Through her personal experiences, Enolia: Finding My Sovereign Voice with My Grandmother Elder teaches readers how to:
Enolia: Finding My Sovereign Voice With My Grandmother Elder has a compatible Journal called Discover Your Sovereign Self ~ The Journal for ENOLIA.
ENOLIA: Discover Your Sovereign Self Journal is a participatory and thought provoking journal for Enolia: Finding My Sovereign Voice With My Grandmother Elder . Here Enolia sums up lessons learned from chapters 1 through 12 read in Enolia: Finding My Sovereign Voice With My Grandmother Elder asking you reflective questions to inspire personal growth and development. Let her story help and inspire you on your own personal development journey.
Through the pages of this book, Enolia allowed me to walk beside her on her journey of self-discovery. In so doing, she shines a mirror on my own fears, discoveries, victories and learnings, helping me navigate my own path unblinkered. Like Enolia, I had a successful career in corporate, and like Enolia, I left the stability of all that was in that world to bring forward my spiritual gifts and higher knowing. This book, so packed full of wisdom, taught me fundamental things, such as the spiritual significance of fire and the importance of respect and standing back from ego. Things that I feel I should know as such a clear channel, but nobody had taught me. Until now. Enolia’s learning is made even more meaningful if you delve into the accompanying workbook, where you can see parallels of your life through lessons, exercises, and affirmations in each chapter. Enolia’s story and workbook are gold for anyone going on their own spiritual journey. If you are exiting corporate to follow your soul’s calling, this book is a must-have a companion for your transition.
Sue Hollis of Sidney Australia Writes:
You captured corporate life so powerfully...all the fears, emotions, challenges...the self-doubt, aggression, the competitiveness...without a doubt you captured me. Reading your book was like watching a flower open into full bloom. I know so many women - and many men - will resonate with that message...and then the bravery you showed to step away and not let corporate life define you. That within itself is an amazing lesson for people to learn. I loved the flow of the book. You really take the reader on a journey - a journey where there is a start and a middle but no end as we keep continually growing and learning. It’s almost hard to believe that you received so many powerful lessons in 15 days - but you engage the reader in such a way, that they can’t wait for the next day to see the new lessons!
Sue Hollis – Melbourne, Australia
Discover Your Sovereign Self : The Journal for ENOLIA is a participatory and thought provoking journal for Enolia: Finding My Sovereign Voice With My Grandmother Elder . Here Enolia sums up lessons learned from chapters 1 through 12 read in Enolia: Finding My Sovereign Voice With My Grandmother Elder asking you reflective questions to inspire personal growth and development. Let her story help and inspire you on your own personal development journey.
Enolia is clearly a passionate and powerful spirit, and that spirit flows into this powerful read. The reader will want to highlight and re-read. Most of all readers will see themselves on the journey with her. Enolia challenges the reader to take a deep dive into their own journey; to gently and (sometimes the needed) to not so gently awaken us to deepen our level of self-awareness.
As one who helps others know their worth, Enolia truly knows how to help others embrace opportunities that lead to dreams come true.
The description and detail of her work with Grandmother Isabelle are beautifully displayed and her transparency lets you know that Enolia is not afraid to be the woman she has come here to be. I would encourage readers to learn from Enolia how indigenous practices for healing and spiritual understanding will not only help you on your path to self-discovery but gives you permission to embrace self-transformation at a deep and profound level.
The 7 Principles for Self-Mastery
Empower Achieve Succeed Methodology allows you to go within and discover whom you believe you are, by observing. Using the 7 principles, what you will find is who you are not. You will realize through observing your own mind, the stories we tell ourselves and how to let go of false identities. Only then will you truly master-self.
Failure is attributed directly to what we believe. If we believe something will not work, it won’t. It does not matter if your beliefs are false in reality, if you perceive them to be true, that is all it takes. Your attitude and what you believe directly shape and influence your decision-making. Our beliefs control and influence our attitudes, and our ability to achieve. These limited beliefs unconsciously become our normal way of thinking that we repeat over and over again until the pattern sets in and becomes our norm.
With the EAS methodology, you are the observer of your own thinking, patterns, fears, and judgments. The 7 principles are tools we already possess to keep us on the task of how we think, observe our logic and understand what motivates our actions. We learn to walk through life conscious of what we say, think, feel, and do. Our thoughts are what create reality and our reality is what we choose to make it. Consciously create a positive reality as your foundation that can be built upon.
This coupled with the EAS Masterclass will take you on the deepest dive to Self-Mastery.
Know Thyself EBook- A 30-Day Program to Conscious Living
Know Thyself is a 30-day program of Conscious Transformation. It is the foundation of getting started in self-reflection, insight, introduction to tools, and daily progression. Each day this program guides you by asking questions of yourself daily for direct personal growth. It is the initiation of your own personal journey, that if you choose to pursue Enolia's programs in their entirety, will change the course of your life. This program comes with 30 videos to inspire each day of the 30-Day program.
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“Infused with her experiences, journey challenged wisdom, deep insights, and ancient knowledge learned from elders that shine through every chapter, this book is a brilliant methodology for achieving self-mastery. it is an invitation to create a life on your terms, without fear and judgements. It Provides powerful tools to assist you on your path – a must-read book on self-mastery.”
Celebrate the birth of our Anthology where 14 amazing writers share about their relationship to God. Let each story be an inspiration to you.
My goal for this Anthology is to raise funds to send the Q'eros Indian children to school by working with WholeEarthEnginering.org. Your purchase of the book will fund the tuition of Q'eros Indian children. Let our stories move you, and we ask you to positively impact the Q'eros Community.
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The purchase of this book through Enolia will service the Q'eros Community.
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History of mankind shows that Women equally contribute with men in the race of life, Struggle, and Success. As a woman, it is an honor to share my views about "Women's Equality" in the following Book. I am honored beyond words to be featured in the latest book "Women Peace Purpose" by Cali Fae along with other inspirational global leaders, vibrant changemakers and influential women and men. This book is an anthology collection of global changemakers in recognition of the remarkable contribution made over the years in society from different sectors with one goal and one vision. Women’s Peace Purpose has been released! You can download a copy of it here.
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